Всякий народ (нация) несёт ответственность за деятельность своей власти. Но к русским это не относится.

English, German, Dutch, Polish, Arabic, etc

The Skinheads of Greenpoint, Brooklyn

Photographer Adam Krause was at his local gym when he first met the guys who’d become the subjects of his series “Greenpoint Brooklyn Nazi Skinheads.” Krause grew up in Florida and was part of a tough punk rock community himself. “I knew the guys were skinheads after recognizing a racist band on one of their T-shirts. I think my background of being involved in the punk scene just helped me identify these guys, similar to someone interested in cars probably can identify a certain model of car,” he said in an email.

Russian Lawmaker Introduces Bill To Take Children Away From Gay Parents

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse in Russia, lawmaker Alexei Zhuravlyov has proposed a bill that would take away gay parents custody over their own children. If passed it would make “non traditional sexual orientation” a basis for the deprivation of parental rights, placing homosexuality in the same category as alcohol and drug abuse.

Death toll climbs as clashes rage in Lebanon's Tripoli

Heavy shelling and fierce gun battles raged in Tripoli overnight Friday between pro- and anti-Assad fighters, leaving at least 24 people dead in six days of clashes in the northern city.


Okay Pala's speech | Demonstration Russian Embassy The Hague | HT Netherlands

Hizb ut Tahrir The Netherlands has organized a protest on the 24th of November 2012 in front of the Russian Embassy in The Hague against continuous arrests of its members in Russia.


Пятнадцать лет по всему Советскому Союзу учат язык (чаще всего английский), и никто его не знает, если только не занимаются дополнительно. Кроме какого-то десятка бессмысленных предложений, никто ничего произнести не может. Владимир Буковский — И возвращается ветер

So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable. Christopher Reeve (via J5OUcz5F7mY)

There are no human beings in Russia, so no need for human rights.

BBC Radio 4: The World Tonight - UK Muslims reactions to 'Innocence of Mohammed' video

Interview with Dr Abdul Wahid, Dr Nazreen Nawaz, Muhammad Jilani and Muhammad Omar of Hizb ut-Tahrir, addressing the issue of the 'Innocence of Mohammed' video and the reaction to it from Muslims around the world.

U.S.: Time To Dump Bashar, Moscow

The U.S. and Russia have been sparring all week over competing United Nations Security Council resolutions on Syria. The U.S. would like a mandate under Chapter 7 of UN law to intervene more robustly in what the Red Cross and other international aid groups are now calling a civil war between Bashar al Assad’s regime and opposition groups.

СМИ сетевое издание RASHKOSTAN.COM зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор). Свидетельство о регистрации средства массовой информации №35 от 05.11.2017 г. Все имена и события вымышлены, любые совпадения случайны. Вся представленная информация является оценочным суждением, носит исключительно ознакомительный характер и не является руководством или призывом к действию.
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